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Magnus: Bussiness, Economics & Web Development

Upskilling towards more complex digital competence is essential to bringing effective innovations to the workplace. Magnus, who now works as a Junior Web Developer at Cloud Connection, talks about the reasons he decided to join the Le Wagon Web Development Course in Oslo.
What were you doing before Le Wagon?
I have a degree in economics and I used to work (and I still am, to some extent) as a consultant at Cloud Connection. I was working with ERP suits with the surrounding finance and technology to automate processes ranging from invoice flows to supply chains.
What were your motivations behind joining a web development course? 
I saw the need to understand the core concepts of the technology we were using daily, especially APIs surrounding all the SaaS applications we were working with. It was necessary in order to be able to collaborate and bridge the gap between customers and developers.
Were your expectations met during the bootcamp?
I can definitely say yes. I expected to learn more about development and product management. I’ve always been “tech-savvy” but never really known how the protocols of the internet worked, nor how the logic or data structure of an application is built. It was mostly the curiosity and eagerness to learn more and to be more useful in a tech-heavy work environment.
What was the best part of your bootcamp experience?
Learning something new every day and meeting likeminded people.
How are you applying your skills now? 
I’m currently working as a junior web developer, learning Node.js (and the wast ocean of frameworks surrounding it). We are finally going out of the planning phase, setting up the DevOps CI/CD environment in Google Cloud Platform, where I’m learning from two senior developers. Our goal is to build an integration platform that lets companies integrate their SaaS application (along the lines of Zapier and IFTTT but for bigger SaaS suits).
Do you have any advice for future students?
Stay curious and don’t be discouraged when you don’t understand something: keep moving and you will get there, eventually.
How would you describe the Le Wagon Web Development Course to someone who hasn’t heard of it before?
It’s an introduction to the world of programming and development, that gives the basic knowledge on how to design, mock, build and deploy an application to the world. It means the understanding of how the layers and components work together and the actual ability to execute on this knowledge and build applications. In my case, it gave me a concrete foundation to start learning from all the other resources online, which can be somewhat overwhelming when you’re getting started on your own.
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