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How Julien combined a management background with a new career in web development

Rencontrez Julien Pauss, alumnus Le Wagon Montréal, entrepreneur et passionné par le développement web, il est maintenant chargé de projets chez Symetris. Il nous raconte son parcours: d'entrepreneur à développeur web et, maintenant, chargé de projets.

" What I like the most about web development is its magical side. You can do extraordinary things using very few lines of code. "

Entrepreneur and project manager at Symetris, Julien Pauss had a technical need to develop new features on his website : he needed to learn to code.

As an entrepreneur, his expectations were also to acquire some soft skills, to be able to develop a digital product, to work in a team, and how to make it work well in the digital world.

" Le Wagon has fully met my expectations. It’s an entirely new experience in which within two months, you learn something totally new and meet lots of new people. It’s really a timeless experience that enables you to learn new things. "

He emphasizes the teaching methods and the exchanges with the teachers.

" They are people who are not from the digital world and who are able to teach you how to code in a very simple way. "

He completes: " What I like most about my position as a project manager is that it is a position that allows me to combine my expertise — that I have been able to acquire these last two years as a developer — with my academic background in management and, therefore, it is really the perfect job for me. "

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Pour développe mes compétences
Formation développeur web
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