仕組み: ブートキャンプの資金を貯金や雇用主の支援などにより 1 回の前払いで支払う場合、授業料から $750の割引を受けることができます。
資格: $750の割引を受けるには、ブートキャンプの開始までに授業料を全額支払う必要があります。
資格: $750の割引を受けるには、ブートキャンプの開始までに授業料を全額支払う必要があります。
How it works: Receive a scholarship of $1000 which you can use to fund any of our Web Development or Data bootcamps. This scholarship is part of our commitment to support women who want to excel in the world of tech.
Eligibility: This sponsorship is for women who are members of the Girls in Tech Australia community and/or have attended one of their events.
Eligibility: This sponsorship is for women who are members of the Girls in Tech Australia community and/or have attended one of their events.